The trendiest gadget automotive - navigation
Although the market there are a lot of gadgets, which are available to the driver, most people reaching for automotive technical innovations selects navigation. It is without a doubt the most popular device, which allows for maintaining the route, even without knowing the map. What's more, most of the satellite navigation sets us some runs and we can decide, according to which we will go. Most people reach for this little device, above all, because it allows not to get lost in an unknown area; by navigation you can also quickly reach the destination in many cases. Fashion for having such a gadget automotive lasts for several years and so far, you can expect that these articles will continue to be very readily bought by drivers.
Why restored old cars attract the eye?
More and more people are interested in really ancient models of cars. There is no shortage connoisseurs of such cars among the real car fans, but also a person not associated in any way with passion about cars or other vehicles also willing to peek at these cars. The car after renovation will attract the eyes of everyone in the vicinity. There is no doubt that this is a very good way to stand out in the environment around us. Although often these cars are very expensive and driving them is quite uneconomical, you can also treat it as an investment. It is true that we have obtained through this investment a quick profit, but in the long term we really expect lots of money - if not for us, if only for our children and grandchildren.
Economy issue of Automotive industry
Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007, consuming over 980 billion litres (980,000,000 m3) of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.7 The automobile is a primary mode of transportation for many developed economies. The Detroit branch of Boston Consulting Group predicts that, by 2014, one-third of world demand will be in the four BRIC markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Meanwhile, in the developed countries, the automotive industry has slowed down.8 It is also expected that this trend will continue, especially as the younger generations of people (in highly urbanized countries) no longer want to own a car anymore, and prefer other modes of transport.9 Other potentially powerful automotive markets are Iran and Indonesia.10 Emerging auto markets already buy more cars than established markets. According to a J.D. Power study, emerging markets accounted for 51 percent of the global light-vehicle sales in 2010. The study, performed in 2010 expected this trend to accelerate.1112 However, more recent reports (2012) confirmed the opposite; namely that the automotive industry was slowing down even in BRIC countries.8 In the United States, vehicle sales peaked in 2000, at 17.8 million units.13
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_industry#Economy