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Activity electrician
Jobs electrician relies primarily on the installation of electrical equipment. Additional duties of the repair of electrical installations, but more often during the installation electricians team takes care of it to ensure the longest operating electricity networks in a specific object without intervention. Very often, electricians during the installation of their own select appropriate cables, and so on, and the role of the customer is limited to the financing of the project. This is due to the fact that the electrician with extensive experience certainly much better than the person selects the equipment which has no idea about electrical engineering.
Definition of electritian
In the United States, electricians are divided into two primary categories: linemen, who work on electric utility company distribution systems at higher voltages, and wiremen, who work with the lower voltages utilized inside buildings. Wiremen are generally trained in one of five primary specialties: commercial, residential, light industrial, industrial, and low-voltage wiring, more commonly known as Voice-Data-Video, or VDV. Other sub-specialties such as control wiring and fire-alarm may be performed by specialists trained in the devices being installed, or by inside wiremen.
Electricians are trained to one of three levels: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Electrician. Apprentices in the US and Canada are working to learn the electrical trade. They generally take several hundred hours of classroom instruction and are contracted to follow apprenticeship standards for a period of between three and six years, during which time they are paid as a percentage of the Journeyman's pay. Journeymen are electricians who have completed their Apprenticeship and who have been found by the local, State, or National licensing body to be competent in the electrical trade. Master Electricians have performed well in the trade for a period of time, often seven to ten years, and have passed an exam to demonstrate superior knowledge of the National Electrical Code, or NEC.
Service electricians are tasked to respond to requests for isolated repairs and upgrades. They have considerable skills troubleshooting wiring problems, installing wiring in existing buildings, and making repairs. Construction electricians primarily focus on larger projects, such as installing all new electrical system for an entire building, or upgrading an entire floor of an office building as part of a remodeling process. Other specialty areas are marine electricians, research electricians and hospital electricians. "Electrician" is also used as the name of a role in stagecraft, where electricians are tasked primarily with hanging, focusing, and operating stage lighting. In this context, the Master Electrician is the show's chief electrician. Although theater electricians routinely perform electrical work on stage lighting instruments and equipment, they are not part of the electrical trade and have a different set of skills and qualifications from the electricians that work on building wiring.
In the film industry and on a television crew the head electrician is referred to as a Gaffer.
Electrical contractors are businesses that employ electricians to design, install, and maintain electrical systems. Contractors are responsible for generating bids for new jobs, hiring tradespeople for the job, providing material to electricians in a timely manner, and communicating with architects, electrical and building engineers, and the customer to plan and complete the finished product.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrician#Terminology
What do you do when you suddenly need an electrician?
Normally, failures of electrical installations are sudden and so unexpected, that most often people who are affected by this problem do not have in store leads to a specific electrician who could quickly and efficiently remove the fault. In such cases it may refer to an electrical emergency, which most often work electricians with high seniority and professional experience in the repair of different faults. Repair of electrical installations often require even late at night, especially when this problem affects more people who, for example, live in the specified object. Electrical services, which provides, for example, emergency power can be ordered by phone.