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Do young people want to become an electrician?
While the electrician is usually associated with you in middle age, it is said that young people are not interested in the profession. However, there is a problem in obtaining such a profession, because people finishing high school prospect of continuing education in technical profile electrician is quite frightening. It is in fact one of the most difficult for young people profile, but still someone determined and having interest in electric definitely can handle. Opportunities to gain this profession also appear for higher studies, except that in this case it is also difficult field of study.
Some facts
Electricity generation is the process of generating electric power from other sources of primary energy. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. This basic method is still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet.1 For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped-storage methods are normally carried out by the electric power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power and electrochemical batteries.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_generation
Turbines and electricity
Almost all electrical power on Earth is generated with a turbine of some type. Turbines are commonly driven by wind, water, steam or burning gas. The turbine drives an electric generator. Power sources include:
Water is boiled by coal burned in a thermal power plant, about 40% of all electricity is generated this way.7
Nuclear fission heat created in a nuclear reactor creates steam. Less than 15% of electricity is generated this way.
Renewables. The steam is generated by:
Solar thermal energy (the sun as the heat source): solar parabolic troughs and solar power towers concentrate sunlight to heat a heat transfer fluid, which is then used to produce steam.
Geothermal power. Either steam under pressure emerges from the ground and drives a turbine or hot water evaporates a low boiling liquid to create vapor to drive a turbine.
Large dams such as Hoover Dam can provide large amounts of hydroelectric power; it has 2.07 GW capability.
Gas Natural gas is burned in a gas turbine, turbines are driven directly by gases produced by combustion. Combined cycle are driven by both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate steam. At least 20% of the worlds electricity is generated by natural gas.
Water Energy is captured from the movement of water. From falling water (dam), the rise and fall of tides or ocean thermal currents. Each driving a water turbine to produce approximately 16% of the worlds electricity.
Wind The windmill was a very early wind turbine. In a solar updraft tower wind is artificially produced. Before 2010 less than 2% of the worlds electricity was produced from wind.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_generation#Turbines