Gaskets - encyclopedically explained
Gaskets are mechanical seals, usually formed like a ring and used for sealing of flange joints. In general, gaskets should not be reused. Various types of gaskets are available depending upon their construction, materials, and features. The following are the type of gaskets commonly used:
Non-Metallic Gaskets (ASME B 16.21)
Spiral-Wound Gaskets (ASME B 16.20)
Ring Joint Gaskets (ASME B 16.20)
Non-Metallic Gaskets are used with flat face or raised face flanges. Spiral-Wound Gaskets are used with raised face flanges. They are available with an inner ring and outer ring, which is also known as the cantering ring. Ring Joint Gaskets are used with Ring Type Joint (RTJ) flanges. They are available in octagonal or oval cross sections.
A very high surface stress is developed between an RTJ gasket and the flange groove when RTJ is bolted up in a flange. This leads to plastic deformation of the gasket. Thus, the hardness of the gasket is kept less than the hardness of the groove to achieve coining i.e. bringing two metal surfaces of different hardness so tightly together that the softer surface deforms to match harder surface exactly in shape and finish. Hence RTJ gaskets are not recommended for reuse.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piping_and_plumbing_fitting
Replacing water meter
Installation of water meter is a plumber. This assembly is normally performed at the moment of putting into operation a new home. It must be remembered that after sealing the counter, you can not carry out any repairs yourself, because we can be accused of is that we were trying to cheat on the amount of water consumed by us, thus reducing the incoming letter bills. Such a meter reading is a worker employed by a company supplying us water. But reading the meter of water is so simple that we can also ourselves through his regular reading to control the amount of water consumed by us. Sometimes it may happen that the water meter sours after many years of its use. Replacement of such counter will plumber.
Who the best plumbers to check?
Can any plumber will be able to adequately take care of our problem? Everyone knows perfectly well that in all areas occur are bad professionals who, instead of repairs endow us with extra costs and inconvenience. To avoid such situations, it is always worth to choose the best plumbers, who have years of experience and the necessary skills, users can quickly and efficiently get rid of the problem. How can you find them? Ideally, of course, to suggest that the opinions of friends people have had the opportunity to try out these services in their own homes. If you do not have such capabilities, is always worth a bet on companies that operate on the market the longest.