Short citation from Wikipedia about hybrid taxi cabs
Hybrid taxi or hybrid electric taxi is a taxicab service provided with a hybrid electric car (HEV), which combines a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion system with an electric propulsion system.
In 2000, North America's first hybrid taxi was put into service in Vancouver, British Columbia, operating a 2001 Toyota Prius which traveled over 332,000 km (206,000 mi) before being retired.In 2015, taxi driver in Austria claims to have covered 1,000,000 km (620,000 mi) in his Toyota Prius with the original battery pack.
Several major cities in the world are adding hybrid taxis to their taxicab fleets, led by San Francisco where hybrid represent almost 50% of its taxicab fleet by March 2010,4 and New York City where hybrids taxis represent 45% of the city's total fleet by September 2012. Unlike conventional gasoline cars, hybrids get better fuel economy, do well at slow speeds or idling, and have cleaner emissions.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_taxi
Wikipedia and taximeters definition
Taximeters can include several accessories, or act as components in larger dispatching/control systems. Features include:
Ticket/receipt printer
Fraud control and prevention (on the part of the owner or operator), through the impression of control tickets or computer monitoring. Additionally, taximeters are often visually sealed by a municipal weights and scales authority after initial calibration.
Radio communication, allowing trip status to be monitored by a dispatcher or supervisor.
Dispatching of trip assignments through radio or data systems.
Interaction with GPS systems to assist with dispatching and to provide security.
Seat sensors that detect the presence of a passenger (to prevent a cab from carrying fares without activating the taximeter).
Credit or prepaid card support.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taximeter
Taxi stands at hospitals
In every city there are such places, which is more taxis. One of such places are bus stations. At these stations gets out every day a lot of people in possession of a different size bags, because usually eager to use taxis.
Other places are the taxi railway stations. At these stations taxis are especially needed because disembark on them sometimes people arriving from distant places of the country and do not know the city well, so use the taxi for them becomes a very practical solution. Taxi drivers willing to stand well in hospitals and in centers of culture, because in such places can also count on a large number of customers.